How to Reduce Up to 99% of the Amount of Yeast Used in the Cellar

The wine industry is constantly looking for innovative methods to improve the quality of its products and optimise production processes. One of the most critical aspects of wine production is the management of yeast, which is essential for fermentation. Reducing the amount of yeast used without compromising wine quality is a challenge many producers face. Thanks to Parsec’s advanced technology, with the CellarMate Plus system, this can be achieved by reducing the amount of dry yeast used by up to 99%.

The Yeast Quantity Problem

Traditionally, yeast preparation and inoculation requires large quantities of active dry yeast (LSA). This not only represents a significant cost, but also a complexity in fermentation management. Excessive use of yeast can also negatively affect certain organoleptic characteristics of the wine.

What is CellarMate Plus?

CellarMate Plus is an advanced system designed for rehydration, multiplication, acclimatisation and inoculation of yeast in the cellar. This machinery allows fully automated management of the entire process, ensuring optimal fermentation and a significant reduction in the use of yeast.

How does it work?

  • Safe and Repeatable Rehydration: CellarMate Plus guarantees effective yeast rehydration, ensuring that the cells are viable and ready for fermentation.
  • Multiplication and Strengthening: Once rehydrated, the yeasts are multiplied and strengthened, significantly increasing their effectiveness. This reduces the initial amount of yeast needed.
  • Acclimatisation and Inoculation: The yeasts are acclimatised to the specific conditions of the must and cellar before inoculation, ensuring stable and controlled fermentation.

Benefits of the CellarMate Plus System

  • Reduced Costs: By reducing the amount of dry yeast used, cellar operating costs are significantly reduced.
  • Improved Quality: Controlled and optimised fermentation improves the organoleptic characteristics of the wine, ensuring a high quality end product.
  • Complete automation: The automated system reduces the need for manual intervention, minimising errors and increasing operational efficiency.
  • Sustainability: Using less yeast also means reducing the environmental impact of wine production. CellarMate Plus contributes to more sustainable and environmentally friendly production.

Focus on Sustainability

Sustainability is a crucial aspect of the modern wine industry. CellarMate Plus not only optimises the use of yeast, it also reduces the consumption of natural resources and the winery’s ecological footprint. Less yeast means less waste and more efficient resource management.

Customisation and Flexibility

CellarMate Plus offers different options to suit the specific needs of each winery:

  • Basic: Safe and repeatable yeast rehydration.
  • Plus: Rehydration, multiplication, strengthening and acclimatisation of yeast.
  • MyYeast: Use of selected indigenous yeasts in the winery, with the possibility of producing liquid yeast under aerobic conditions.
  • Soluzioni Specifiche per Ogni Tipo di Vino

CellarMate Plus is designed to be flexible and adaptable to various types of production, including red, white, sweet and sparkling wines. Each step in the process can be customised to ensure optimal results.

Reducing the amount of yeast used in the cellar is not only possible, it is also highly advantageous thanks to advanced technologies such as Parsec’s CellarMate Plus. This system not only lowers costs and improves wine quality, but also contributes to more sustainable and environmentally friendly production. For wine and must producers looking to optimise their processes and improve their products, CellarMate Plus is an innovative and highly efficient solution. Find out more about our machines and how they can revolutionise your production by visiting our website.


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