La Deossigenazione del Vino e la Gestione della CO2

The quality of wine is a central topic for every winemaker. Among the determining factors that influence the end result are the management of oxygen and carbon dioxide. We find out how technology can help improve wine quality and how our company, Parsec, offers state-of-the-art solutions for the wine industry.

The Oxygen Problem in Wine

Oxygen, if not properly controlled, can negatively affect wine, altering the colour, flavour and longevity of the product. This is particularly critical for white and rosé wines, where oxidation can lead to a loss of freshness and unwanted colour changes.

Deoxygenation: What it is and Why it is Important

Deoxygenation is the process of removing dissolved oxygen from wine. This process is essential to preserve the organoleptic characteristics of the wine and to ensure that it remains fresh and stable over time. Reducing the presence of oxygen from the must at the bottling stage helps maintain the integrity of the product.

CO2 Management in Wines

CO2 plays a crucial role in the perception of freshness and wine stability. In white and rosé wines, an adequate CO2 content can enhance fruit notes and improve the liveliness of the wine. However, CO2 management must be precise, to avoid excesses that could make the wine too fizzy or insufficient, causing it to lose freshness.

The Innovative Solution: Evo 1000

The Evo 1000 is the machine that revolutionises the management of oxygen and CO2 in wines. This state-of-the-art instrument offers complete deoxygenation without the need to transfer wines, ensuring a simpler and safer process. Here is how it works and what advantages it offers:

  • Quality materials: All components in contact with the wine are made of food-grade stainless steel, guaranteeing strength and durability.
  • Versatility: Evo 1000 is suitable for all types of wine, from white wines to rosé wines, from reds to cloudy and sugary musts.
  • O2 and CO2 control: In addition to deoxygenation, Evo 1000 regulates the CO2 content, improving the perception of freshness in wines.
  • Efficiency and Savings: Thanks to advanced technology, the Evo 1000 reduces operating costs and ensures a secure return on investment.

Sustainability: A Primary Objective

One of the most important aspects of the Evo 1000 is its contribution to sustainability. By reducing the need to transfer wine and optimising the deoxygenation process, waste is reduced and environmental impact is minimised. In addition, precise CO2 management helps reduce the use of chemical additives, contributing to more natural and sustainable production.

Oxygen and CO2 management is crucial for the production of high quality wines. With the Evo 1000, Parsec offers an effective and sustainable solution to improve the winemaking process. We invite all wine and must producers to visit our website to find out more about Evo 1000 and how we can help you raise the quality of your products.


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