Industrial pasteurisation: the secret to creating quality products

Pasteurisation has a long and fascinating history dating back to the 19th century with Louis Pasteur. At that time, he revolutionised the world with a technique that was destined to become a mainstay of the food industry, transforming the way products arrive on our tables.

In fact, industrial pasteurisation not only helps eliminate potentially dangerous microorganisms, but also extends the shelf life of products, making it an essential component of modern food production chains.

Let’s look in more detail at how industrial pasteurisation works and how the entire food department benefits from it.


Industrial pasteurisation is a process that has some common basic steps, with some variations depending on the product and specific regulations.

The basic principle is to heat a food product to a temperature sufficient to eliminate microorganisms that are hazardous to human health. However, the temperature cannot be so high as to compromise the quality of the product.

Usually, pasteurisation processes products in the following steps:

  1. the product is rapidly heated;
  2. then the temperature
  3. is maintained for a set period of time
    finally, the product is quickly cooled

This process, known as thermal cycling, is carefully controlled to ensure that temperature and timing are accurate.

The science behind pasteurization is based on the concept that pathogenic bacteria have specific lethal temperatures and exposure times. In addition to eliminating microorganisms, pasteurization can also inactivate enzymes that could degrade the product over time.

Importantly, pasteurization does not sterilize the product; rather, it reduces its bacterial load to a level that is safe for consumption and extends its shelf life. This balance between safety and quality is the key to the success of pasteurization in the food industry.


Pasteurization plays a key role in many industries because of its ability to extend the shelf life of products and ensure food safety. Among the main sectors that use it are:

  • Dairy: this sector is probably best known for its use of pasteurization. Fresh milk contains microorganisms that can pose a health risk if not treated properly. Pasteurization brings the bacterial load down to a safe level, also allowing for longer storage.
  • Beverage industry: fruit juices, beer, wine and other beverages often undergo a pasteurization process. Fruit juices in particular can harbor pathogenic microorganisms that are effectively eliminated through pasteurization. In the case of beer and wine, pasteurization can help stabilize the product, improving its quality.
  • Food: many food products such as sauces, jams, preserves and egg products also undergo pasteurization.

Each industry adapts the pasteurization process according to its needs, product characteristics, and applicable local regulations, making pasteurization a versatile and essential technique in the food industry.


The technologies used for industrial pasteurization are extremely diverse, reflecting the many applications of this process.

Pasteurization machinery ranges from simple heating and cooling tanks to sophisticated plate, tube, or tube bundle heat exchange systems.

vista di un pastorizzatore industriale

Some of these systems use steam as the heating medium, while others rely on electric heating. The choice of pasteurizer depends on various factors, including:

  • the nature of the product;
  • the volume of production;
  • the specific requirements of the pasteurization process.

In recent years, technological innovation has led to significant advances in pasteurization systems. Not surprisingly, automation is becoming an increasingly important element in industrial pasteurization. Advanced control systems make it possible to precisely monitor and adjust pasteurization parameters, thus ensuring an increasingly efficient and consistent process.

Finally, innovative solutions in terms of energy efficiency have become increasingly important, given the rising cost of energy in recent years, as well as the need to minimize environmental impact. For example, systems with heat recovery allow a significant reduction in energy consumption.

Another factor that significantly affects the pasteurization process is the heat transfer coefficient, which represents the rate at which heat can be transferred from the heating fluid to the food product. Among these advantages we highlight:

  • Energy efficiency: the high heat transfer coefficient means that heat is transferred more efficiently from the heating fluid to the product. This reduces the amount of energy required to heat the product to pasteurization temperature, saving energy and reducing operating costs.
  • Product quality: rapid heat transfer can minimize the time during which the product is exposed to high temperatures, helping to preserve its organoleptic and nutritional characteristics. This is a feature guaranteed by plants equipped with HTST (high temperature short time) technology.
  • Cleaning and maintenance: a low fouling coefficient means that the product leaves less residue on the surfaces of the pasteurizer. This simplifies cleaning and maintenance of the machinery, further reducing operating costs, as well as further improving productivity.

In a pasteurizer such as the Flash plate model, the hydraulic regime generated by the pasteurizer’s unique plate profile contributes to both the high heat transfer coefficient and the low fouling coefficient. Even at low flow rates, this regime manages to keep the product circulating.

These characteristics are accentuated in the tubular configuration, as in the tubular Flash pasteurizer, making these types of pasteurizers particularly efficient and effective.

For more details, contact our team, who will identify the optimal solution for your company.


In the food industry, buying used equipment offers many economic and practical advantages. This is also true for industrial pasteurizers, where buying used equipment can be a truly strategic choice for many companies. Let’s look at them together.

  • Economic benefits: purchasing a used industrial pasteurizer can represent a significant cost savings over purchasing a new equivalent. This can make pasteurization a more affordable option, particularly for small and medium-sized businesses.
  • Reduced lead time: ordering and receiving a new industrial pasteurizer can take time, especially if custom configurations are required. Otherwise, used machinery is often available for immediate delivery, allowing companies to start or expand their production more quickly.
  • Reliability: many used industrial pasteurizers come from plants that have upgraded their equipment or modified their production lines. These machines often have proven reliability and can continue to operate effectively for many years. In addition, Opportunity offers customers overhaul and retrofit service, ensuring that the machinery is in good working order and meets all safety and hygiene regulations.

Ultimately, purchasing a used industrial pasteurizer can be a worthwhile option, as long as you proceed carefully and carefully evaluate the reliability of the machinery and the supplier.



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As we have seen, the industrial pasteurizer is the key that has solved crucial problems in food production. This type of machinery offers concrete solutions for food safety, long-term preservation in addition to maintaining product quality.

Today, faced with challenges such as controlling operating costs and the need to optimize production processes, the purchase of an industrial pasteurizer, new or used, is a strategic investment for food industries. By turning these challenges into opportunities, companies can secure a prosperous future in the food industry.


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