The system is specially constructed to generate an almost absolute vacuum in the two chambers.
Cooling and a consequent very low temperature ‘boiling’ of the product contained within is the result of a unique piece of machinery.
This boiling generates an evaporation of the water and a consequent concentration of the product, which causes a ‘temperature absorption’ by the water itself against the product remaining in the chamber;
This brings the product at the outlet to the temperature corresponding to the pressure of 10 millibar absolute, which is approximately 11/13°C.
The Opportunity Flash Cooler is the ideal solution for the instantaneous cooling of products leaving the concentrator.
The evaporation/cooling chamber is designed in two stages in order to
- Improve energy efficiency (steam savings)
- Compensate for the phenomenon of feed inconstancy
- Generate a longer exposure time at low temperatures.
- Industry 4.0 compliant
- Environmentally friendly
- Automatic and easily configured by operators